Monthly Archives January 2014

Maru the Cat – Ladder Climber Extraordinaire!

You’ve seen cats climb trees (and often get stuck up there!) but have you ever seen a cat climb a ladder?? Maru is an exceptional cat!

Watch as Maru climbs up the ladder and back down again several times before finally reaching the windowsill where a treat awaits! It’s amazing to watch Maru reach for the next step on the way up – and even more amazing to watch him descend the ladder backwards! I’ve never seen a cat do that – even going down trees cats often to climb down face-first then jump – but not Maru! – this cat descends the ladder just as a person would! You have to see it to believe it!

You can find more of the cutest Maru videos right here on this site!

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Baby Pandas – Oh So Cute! Giant Panda Cubs at Zoo Atlanta – Nap Time – Or Is It?

Take a look at these two adorable panda cubs! Mei Lun and Mei Huan are the names of these delightful giant panda babes and they live at Zoo Atlanta. It’s nap-time at the zoo but Mei Huan just doesn’t want to let her sister rest when they can be playing together! Mei Lun tries to ignore her, but she can only do that for so long before she gives up on her nap and joins in the fun.

I know the video says they are brothers, but the zoo has since discovered they are both female! Read the article here: Update on giant pandas Po, Mei Lun and Mei Huan

Look for more videos on this site recorded from PandaCam at ZooAtlanta. We’ll post all the cutest baby panda videos here!

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