Monthly Archives June 2014

Hilarious video – Dog suspends himself above the bath!

I’ve seen dogs run and hide just from hearing the word “BATH” but I’ve never seen this! This dog is absolutely adorable and the way he avoids his bath will have you laughing out loud! He is absolutely determined to stay out of that water! Watch as they try to move the sides of the bathtub to get the dog to drop in, without much success. He adjusts his position quickly to stay above the water. :D

In the end, the dog fails and the owner triumphs, but I have to hand it to the little guy – he  lasted as long as he could and it was amazing that he could suspend himself like that for so long.

Do you have a funny dog bath story? Tell us in the comments – post a link to your video and we may feature it here also!

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Funny Cat Videos… Short but sweet!

Cats can be hilarious! Sometimes their owners are the funny ones, in how they set up the videos they take of their feline friends!

The first cat isn’t very funny but it does make an odd noise. The second cat on this video is really funny. I’ve seen cats like this that can’t resist a temptaion! Cats have that hunting instinct which comes out in their play. Who would have thought that a few newspapers and ads could be so entertaining? It doesn’t take much to keep cats going for a long time – with some really cute results.

The third cat is a bit scary. I knew a cat like this also – would lie in wait and you’d suddenly hear hissing… where is she??!!  Walking into that house was an adventure in staying away from the cat. :D Some of the cats on this vide...

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